ground:2-3 hrs flight:3.5-6 hrs
*Discuss the flight plan prepared by the student to include any adverse weather conditions, altitude selections, route selections, radio procedures, pattern entries, performance limitations, runway crosswind components, weight and balance computations, fuel planning and airport amenities for possible meal stops. This flight should have a leg of at least 50 nm or more if practical for the purpose of logging cross country time.
*Discuss or grade pre solo written test with the student if complete
*Discuss and quiz student on all aspects of foreflight with a focus on chart symbols, airspace, special use airspace, VORs, MSAs, latitude/longitude, victor airways, airport data blocks and any other information contained on a vfr nav chart. Discuss the only FAA approved methods of obtaining a pre flight brief briefing.
*Discuss seat belt usage, passenger brief, two pilot brief, oxygen usage requirements, squawk codes, lost comm procedures, lost procedures, E6B (electronic or manual), types of navigation (radio, dead reckoning, pilotage), spin recovery, aerodynamics and types of icing (both airframe and induction).
*Review weather as necessary.
*Review radio role play as necessary.
*Discuss night flying considerations.
*Discuss the objectives of the days flight to include communication, overall situational awareness (WHAT TEA-weather, heading, altitude, terrain, traffic, engine guages, airspace), navigation, pattern entry, takeoffs, landings, taxiing, terrain awareness, traffic avoidance and proper scanning, checklist usage, CRM, use of navigational aides, weather awareness and avoidance. Discuss cockpit organization for the flight to include frequencies, runways, pattern altitudes, field elevation, fuel availability, etc... Discuss the use of VORs and incorporate into this flight.
*Discuss and review emergency procedures.
*Discuss slow flight, power on/off stalls, clearing turns, steep turns, unusual attitudes and ground reference maneuvers as necessary.
*Observe the students preflight actions and preflight checklist usage. Observe everything necessary to get to the next airport with the absolute minimal input from the instructor.. Due as many patterns as practical and take as many breaks as necessary. Instrument flight should be finishing up this flight or the next two days. Practice utilizing VOR navigation to include flying direct, identifying a radial and intercepting a course inbound and outbound. Run through each of the PPL maneuvers while getting closer to the pts standards. Before returning to base, discuss the plan to get into the airport environment while on the ground preferrably. Night flight can be conducted at this time at the flight crews discretion.Total flight time should optimally be between 4-5 hours.
*Conduct a post flight brief and check weather conditions for the next day and plan the ground and flight accordigly. Prepare for the possibility of going solo in the pattern, ensure renters insurance is purchased, and student has medical and student pilot certificate. Assign the student a local round robin to multiple airports (towered or untowered, CFI discretion) to plan on foreflight for the next days flight to include a leg on a victor airway. Have the student save the flight plan to flights and review the weather brief prior to starting the lesson so that they are prepared to answer any questions that the CFI will have. Discuss the possibility of night flight in the next few flights and adjust meet up times accordingly. Sign logbooks and tie up any loose ends. See you tomorrow!
References-PPL memory items, Pre solo written exam PPL quiz