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Fly Accelerated zero to MEI program syllabus.

 This course is designed to take you from zero time to Commercial Multi Engine Instrument (which is what you need to fly airliners) and includes your Certified Flight Instructor Certificate which you will use to build up your flight time and earn a healthy income along the way! Financing available soon!

PHASE 1. PPL Syllabus     

Training Days 1-12*       

 45 Hours Flight Time    (12 days CFI)   

 45 Total Time Cost $15-17,000.

Notes: Checkride scheduled when ready


PHASE 2. Solo Cross Country     


25 Hours Flight Time (+-4 hours/day)     

70 TT 

Cost $3500

Total cost to date $21,500.

Notes: Awaiting/taking ppl checkride, studying for IFR Written test and PPL checkride ground portion, Practicing PPL maneuvers and dual as necessary.


PHASE 3. Simulator Time/IFR   

Days 19-23   

25 Flight (sim, 5/day) (5 days CFI)

95 TT           

Cost $5400

Total cost to date $26,900

Notes: Awaiting/Taking PPL Checkride, practicing PPL maneuvers if necessary, take IFR written test, IFR ground areas covered in IFR syllabus.


PHASE 4. IFR Cross Country 

Days 24-28 

 20 Flight Hours(XC IFR) (5 days CFI)

115 TT           

Cost $6550 

Total cost to date $33,450  

Notes: Awaiting/Taking PPL Checkride, IFR Written completed, IFR Checkride prep (ground/flight), PPL Checkride should be done by this point and IFR scheduled when 50 PIC Cross country time is met.


PHASE 5. Shared Cross Country Time Building.

Days 29-48

75 Hours Shared** (if possible) Cross Country. 25 hood (if possible)

190 TT

Cost $5250**    $10,500 if not split.

Total cost to date $38,700

Notes: Awaiting IFR checkride, this flight time can be used to fly to a suitable examiner if necessary, Continue studying PPL and IFR ground study areas nightly, Study and take commercial written exam, study for CFI FOI test. Study Commercial Pilot ground Checkride prep.


PHASE 6. Commercial Pilot Flight Training

Days 49-53

20 flight hours (Commercial Maneuvers) (5 days CFI)

210 TT

Cost $6550

Total cost to date $45,250

Notes: Comm written exam should be done by this point, Studying for Commercial ground and FOI written test. Also studying PPL knowledge areas.


Phase 7. Shared time building

Days 54-60

20 Flight Hours (shared)

230 TT

Cost $1400**  $2800 if not shared

Total cost to date $46,650

Notes: Nightly study all ground areas of operation covered up until this point.


PHASE 8. Commercial/CFI flight and ground prep

Days 61-65

20 hours dual (Comm/CFI) (5 days CFI)

250 TT

Cost $6550

Total cost to date $53,200

Notes: Fine tune all areas ground and flight in preparation for Comm Checkride, Schedule Commercial Checkride, Take Checkride! Take FOI when able.


PHASE 9. Combined CFI/CFII Ground and flight.

Days 66-70

5 hours dual flight (5 days CFII)

255 TT

Cost $4,450

Total cost to date $57,650

Notes: Schedule CFI and CFII, preferably back to back. Get to work!


Phase 9. Multi Engine Commercial Instrument.

Days 71-75

10 hours dual flight ME (5 days MEII)

265 TT

Cost $6150

Total cost to date $63,800

Notes: Can be done as you are actively working as a CFI so no hurries!


Additional notes: Aircraft single engine prices are based on an average of $140 per hour and Instructor rate of $750/day.

Additional fees-

Medical (first class)- $150

Written exams-PPL-$115, IFR-$115, COMM $115, FOI-$115 TOTAL-$520

Examiner fees (avg $800 each)- PPL, IFR, COMM, CFI, CFII, MEI, TOTAL-$4800

Headset, Foreflight, Misc supplies, etc... $1500  


