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What are the possible outcomes to a Fly Accelerated Private Pilots ten to twelve day course

Hello, So to give you a realistic idea of what you can expect from our course, lets look at a number of factors and possible outcomes that may occur at the end of your training cycle.

Scenario #1- The weather is perfect, no mechanical issues, the student shows up prepared with no outside distractions, the instructor properly follows the syllabus and the student learns at an average rate. In this case the rate of being able to pass a checkride at the end is about 90%. Depending on the availibility of an examiner, the checkride might be available at or  somewhat near the time the student is ready to take it. If not, an examiner can be found and scheduled and the student can make arrangements to return and fly the rust off a couple days prior to the check (if your not from the area of the school) or just maintaining proficiency until the check with the school through occasional two hour blocks.

Scenario #2- The weather sucks or maintenance issues arise. While it is pretty rare with this type of training due to the fact that we have all day to fly and usually bad weather will only affect part of the day, it still does happen and you can stay inside and work on your ground stuff to a certain extent. This is why I tell my students to budget two weeks if possible. This doesnt always completely throw off the course because we can make up for bad weather days in most circumstances. At the very least in the worst of cases, we can finish up most of your training before you have to get back to work. Just keep in mind that one day of training with us is equivalent to about a month with a regular training program at a normal school. 

Scenario #3- The student does not show up prepared, has outside distractions or just isnt getting the material in a timely fashion. This is the most often cause of not finishing up a course in a timely manner and makes up about 50% of the total of course incompletions.

All said, even if you dont get a checkride on your first visit, you will still have completed what would have normally taken many months at a normal school within a matter of days with our program. Most will leave here and take about 2-3 flights with their local instructor before they are ready for the checkride if they take it back home.

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