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Why Fly Accelerated?

Jamie Vs Flight School  CFIs

Keep in mind that most all accidents are caused by pilot error to a certain degree  but could also be attributed to something that the pilot does or FAILS to do at some point from preflight to landing as well... So, what might be the solution to avoid a mishap from occurring at any point during your aviation adventures? TRAINING! Thats why its important to be taught the right way the first time every time from a highly experienced and motivated CFI! When you fly with Flyaccelerated, you will be flying only with myself and not anybody else. So what separates your flyaccelerated CFI (Jamie) from your typical flight school CFI?

1. I have over 14,000 hours of flight time conducting training in light aircraft! thats 10-20 times the flight experience of your average CFI!

2. I have undergone many factory training programs above and beyond what is normally required for the CFI rating such as the Cirrus standardized training, Diamond Star training, Avidyne, Garmin G1000 and much more!

3. I am not a time builder looking to go to the airlines, I am a professional CFI who has been doing this for ten years and will still be here in another ten to twenty years.

4. Training under part 61 usually do not follow a training syllabus so most of your training  is conducted without a firm direction and does not have set objectives for every lesson.We will be using our own syllabus and have set objectives for every lesson and can accomplish a pretty aggressive pace while ensuring that the training is conducted in a thorough manner.

5. I care about YOU, the student!!